Threatening and intimidating behaviour – Grounds for dismissal?
There are a number of obligations on employers to provide a safe workplace free from behaviour that is classified as violent, threatening...
5 Mistakes Employers Make with Dismissal or Termination Letters
Due to the difficult nature of the announcement, the termination letter is not usually an easy one to write. But besides being difficult...
Poor dismissal procedures result in fraudulent manager being awarded compensation
Notwithstanding finding a shop manager had engaged in misconduct by failing to account for cash sales and providing friends with his...
Confused reaction to disruptive patient justifies payment to terminated security employee
In a delayed decision handed down on 2 November 2016 the IRC considered an incident where Mr Siddique, a security employee at a major...
25 year gap no barrier to hearing loss liability
Even though an employee had last worked with an employer in 1991 and had several employers since, the NSW Workers’ Compensation...
“Reasonable notice” ruling adds termination pressure on employers
A recent Federal Court decision has highlighted the risk of relying on the National Employment Standards (the NES) to define the amount...
Out of hours Facebook posting ridiculing supervisor justifies termination
In a further confirmation that social postings can lead to termination of employment, the Fair Work Commission has rejected an employee’s...
Well written contract protects employer from competitor
A restraint clause in an executive’s contract of employment has provided an employer an additional 3 months protection from competition...
Australian wage growth hits 20 year low
Growth in wages for Australian employees in the private sector have firmed at the sub 2% level for the first time in two decades. Latest...
Fair Work Commission decision on Toll Holdings worker dismissal
The Fair Work Commission has confirmed the dismissal by Toll Holdings of worker after receiving complaints from a co-worker of Afghani...